EXPO 2024 – Seminars (MoE)

Our Gold and Silver Sponsors

All seminars are hosted in the Encorus Group Education room. The room is located upstairs.

Seminar tickets here!

Some Seminars have PDH creditation and have a small fee. Other seminars are sponsored seminar and for those we ask for a minimal donation to reserve your seat. This is done to prevent no-shows.
Seminars during TECH EXPO 2024   6 different seminars and a brewery tour are offered during the course of the morning and afternoon. Automation related topics presented for experts in their field. Pdh’s are offered for the seminars.

SEM3: 10:00AM- 11:00AM

Partial Automation of Complex Industrial Systems

By Jonathan Moscato

Are you grappling with the decision to modernize your complex manual workflows without committing to full automation? Many crucial industrial processes are intricate and do not justify the hefty investments required for complete automation. Discover the transformative potential of semi-automation through our expert-led seminar.

Jonathan Moscato founder of Work Automate.

A small fee is applied as this seminar will cover Pdh registration.
Seating is limited, please purchase your ticket following the link below.

SEM2: 11:00AM- 12:00PM

Data Visualization and Analytics

By Dave Voelxen

How do I get good data from my process, and what do I do with it once I’ve got it? Most facilities struggle with modernization and visualization of their process – every year budgets get tighter and IT and OT spaces get closer together. Management expectations never decrease – so it’s up to control systems engineers and managers to get the most from their process. Please join us at the Expo to hear from Dave about the latest solutions out there in this space!

Dave Voelxen Information Software Solution Consultant at Rockwell Automation, comes to the ISA Tech Expo with 20 years of experience and a focus on Industrial Data Ops and Predictive Data Analytics and Visualization

This SEMINAR is donation based, thanks to our generous sponsor: Rexel
Seating is limited, please purchase your ticket following the link below,

SEM1: 12:30PM-1:30PM

Electrical Area Classification

By Tom Gilmartin, PE (Encorus Group)

Most facilities in Western NY are over 50 years old – and most have been refitted and repurposed so many times it’s difficult to remember what the facility originally did or what equipment was where. Many facilities struggle with evaluating existing conditions during upgrades and some even install hazard-generating equipment (which should classify an area) without properly adjusting and modifying their existing electrical infrastructure and utilities. With the cost of these changes sometimes more than the plant expansion itself, how do we modernize our facilities and add value while meeting these code requirements?

Tom Gilmartin, PE Vice President of Business Development at Encorus Group, comes to the ISA Tech Expo with over 30 years of engineering experience and a vast array of knowledge. Tom focuses on both engineering as well as business development.

A small fee is applied as this seminar will cover Pdh registration.
Seating is limited, please purchase your ticket following the link below

SEM4: 1:30PM- 2:30PM

Sustainability and Power Quality: Why should you care?

By Claire Berry

How to Improve Efficiency and Reduce Overall Electrical Usage in your Facility. Integration of control, electrical, power, and automation systems in one single pane of glass helps you understand the historical energy usage in the facility. Understanding power factor, and how to improve it, will extend the longevity of your equipment and reduce your overall utility bill. For controls engineers dealing with dynamic systems, having a single pane of glass solution to predict how changes will affect the electrical network helps bring stability to the electrical infrastructure.

– EPMS system overview – Sustainability KPI Tracking – Understanding Power Factor – Power Quality Solutions – Control Simulation Software

Claire Berry is a sales engineer for Digital Power with Schneider Electric in the northeast. Previously she was a digital engineer in the IOT industry. She brings experience with power management for data centers, airports, hospitals, manufacturing and microgrid solutions.

This SEMINAR is donation based, thanks to our generous sponsor: Motion Ai
Seating is limited, please purchase your ticket following the link below.

SEM5: 2:30PM- 3:30PM

Cybersecurity in Industrial Production

By Rob Wood

What do you do when a significant security vulnerability to your facility (and your products) is already deployed inside the facility and operational? Rob’s topic focuses on a real-world problem – new products were rolling off of a production line that had already been compromised – a reality many organizations don’t even consider possible – and had to not only address the issues with the products but forensically work backward through the plant to find the original compromised hardware, determine how it had become compromised, and what to do moving forward to prevent the problem from repeating.

Rob Wood Managing Director of Tetrel Security, comes to the ISA Tech Expo with 25 years of Hardware & Embedded systems experience and a strong focus on cybersecurity. Having worked at both BlackBerry and Motorola Mobility, Rob will be discussing a “product agnostic” topic critical to any manufacturing facility in 2024

A small fee is applied as this seminar will cover Pdh registration.
Seating is limited, please purchase your ticket following the link below.

SEM6: 3:30PM- 4:30PM

Redundant Compute Systems without complexity

By Jeremy Taylor

Compute platforms don’t need to be complex to provide continuous processing. Learn how Stratus makes virtualization EASY while providing the highest level of uptime.

Jeremy Taylor and Holly Patnaude are a applications and sales engineers with Stratus.

This SEMINAR is donation based, thanks to our generous sponsor: Stratus
Seating is limited, please purchase your ticket following the link below.

TOUR 1: 4:00PM

Buffalo Riverworks brewery tour

By the Buffalo Riverworks Brew Master

This is a guided tour through the silos that have been converted to a brewery. The tour ends with a cold beer, non alcoholic options are also available.

Assembly starts 10 minutes before the tour.

This Tour is FREE thanks to our generous sponsor: TBD
Seating is limited, please purchase your free ticket following the link below, no credit card required

June 7 , 2022 11:00AM – 6:00PM
RiverWorks, Buffalo NY

Seminar tickets here!


Have something interesting to talk about? Send an email to daniel.gunderud@ima.it